
1 Finite Automata (FA)

  • States \[ Q = \{q_0, q_1, \dots, q_n\} \] where:

    • one state is the initial state \(q_\mathrm{init}\in Q\)
    • one or more states are final states: \(Q_\mathrm{final}\subseteq Q\).
  • Alphabet \[ \Sigma = \{x_1, x_2, \dots, x_m\} \] Each \(x\in\Sigma\) is called a symbol.

  • Transitions with symbols \[ q_1 \overset{x}{\longrightarrow} q_2 \] where:

    • \(q_1\in Q\) is the source state,
    • \(q_2\in Q\) is the target state,
    • \(x\) is the label, a symbol from the alphabet \(\Sigma\), or it can be a special symbol \(\epsilon\not\in\Sigma\).
FA 0 q0 1 q1 0->1 a 2 q2 0->2 ε 3 q3 start start->0 1->3 b 2->3 c 2->1 c
  • \(Q = \{q_0, q_1, q_2, q_3\}\)
  • \(\Sigma = \{a, b, c\}\)
  • \(Q_\mathrm{final} = \{q_0, q_3\}\)
  • \(q_\mathrm{init} = q_0\)

2 Mathematical Definitions

2.1 Transition function

\[\Delta: Q\times(\Sigma\cup\{\epsilon\})\to 2^Q\]

  • \(Q\): the source state
  • \(\Sigma\cup\{\epsilon\}\): the labels of transitions
  • \(2^Q\): target states for the source state and label. This is the notation for powersets.

About powerset

A set \(X\) with \(n\) elements have \(2^n\) subsets. The set containing all possible subsets of \(X\) is called the powerset of \(X\), and is often denoted as \(2^X\).

FA start 0 q0 start->0 1 q1 0->1 a 2 q2 0->2 ε 3 q3 1->3 b 2->1 c 2->3 c 3->1 b
  • \(\Delta(0, a) = \{1\}\)
  • \(\Delta(0, \epsilon) = \{2\}\)
  • \(\Delta(2, c) = \{1, 3\}\)
  • \(\Delta(1, b) = \{3\}\)
  • \(\Delta(3, b) = \{1\}\)
  • \(\Delta(0, b) = \{\}\)

2.2 Automaton

Definition: Automaton

An automaton is defined as:

\[ (Q, \Delta, \Sigma, q_\mathrm{init}, Q_\mathrm{final}) \]

  • Non-deterministic transition function \[ \exists q\in Q, x\in\Sigma.\; |\Delta(q, x)|\geq 2 \]

  • Deterministic transition function

    1. \(\forall q\in Q, x\in\Sigma.\; |\Delta(q, x)|\leq 1\)
    2. \(\forall q\in Q, \Delta(q,\epsilon) = \{\}\), i.e. no \(\epsilon\)-transitions
Definition: Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA)

A DFA is a finite automaton with a deterministic transition function.

Namely, \[ \Delta(q_1, x) = \{q_2\} \]

This allows as to represent the transition function as a partial function: \[ \delta : Q\times\Sigma\to Q : (q_1, x) \mapsto q_2 \]

Definition: non-deterministc finite automaton (NFA)

A NFA is a finite automaton with no restriction on its transition function.


All DFA are NFA

3 From Transitions to Strings

Let’s define paths in FA, and thus strings that are recognized by FA.

3.1 \(\epsilon\)-closure of states


Definition: epsilon-closure of sets of states

Let \(A\subseteq Q\), we define \(\epsclosure(A):2^Q\to 2^Q\) as:

  • If \(q\in A\), then \(q\in\epsclosure(A)\).
  • If \(q_1\in\epsclosure(A)\), and \(q_2\in\Delta(q_1, \epsilon)\), then \(q_2\in\epsclosure(A)\).
  • Nothing else belongs to \(\epsclosure(A)\).


\(\epsclosure(A)\) are the states in \(Q\) that can be reached by zero or more \(\epsilon\)-transitions.

FA 1 1 2 2 1->2 ε 4 4 1->4 a 2->4 ε 6 6 4->6 c 3 3 4->3 b 7 7 3->7 a 5 5 3->5 ε

Consider the initial state set be: \[A = \{1, 3\}\] By following the \(\epsilon\) transitions, we obtain: \[ \epsclosure(A) = \{1, 2, 4, 3, 5\} \]

3.2 Extending transitions over \(\epsilon\): \(\Delta^\epsilon\)

The extended transition describes the states reachable from a state via a symbol \(x\) and zero or more epsilon transitions.

Definition: Extended transition

\[ \Delta^\epsilon:Q\times\Sigma\to 2^Q: (q, x)\mapsto \epsclosure(\Delta(\epsclosure(\{q\}), x)) \]

See illustration below.

FA 2 2 7 7 2->7 y 4 4 3 3 5 5 3->5 ε 6 6 5->6 y q q q->2 x q->3 x 1 1 q->1 ε 1->4 x
  • \(\epsclosure(\{q\}) = \{q, 1\}\)
  • \(\Delta(\{q, 1\}, x) = \{2, 3, 4\}\)
  • \(\epsclosure(\{2, 3, 4\}) = \{2, 3, 4, 5\}\)

3.3 Extending transitions over strings: \(\Delta^*\)

We now extend \(\Delta^*\) further by reaching states over multiple symbols.


Let \(\Sigma\) be the alphabet, and \(\Sigma^*\) be the set of all finite strings made up by symbols in \(\Sigma\).

The empty string is denoted by \(\epsilon\).

What are the states reachable from \(q\) via a string \(s\in\Sigma^*\)? This is computed by the extended transition function:

Extended transition

Denote \(s=x_1x_2\dots x_L\).

\[ \Delta^*:Q\times\Sigma^*\to 2^Q \]

defined as,

  • \(\Delta^*(q,\epsilon) = \epsclosure(\{q\})\).
  • \(\Delta^*(q,x_1x_2\dots x_L) = \Delta^\epsilon(\Delta^*(x_1x_2\dots x_{L-1})), x_L)\)

3.4 Acceptance of strings

Consider a NFA with transition \(\Delta^*\). A string \(s\in\Sigma^*\) is accepted by NFA if a final state can be reached by \(s\) from the initial state.

\[ s\ \text{accepted\ by}\ \mathbf{NFA} \iff \Delta^*(q_\mathrm{init}, s)\cap Q_\mathrm{final}\not=\emptyset \]

FA init 0 0 init->0 1 1 0->1 0 0->1 1 1->1 0 1->1 1

Q: What are the strings accepted by this FA?

A: all binary strings as defined by the regex: [0-1][0-1]*.

4 Languages

Definition: languages

A language is a subset of \(\Sigma^*\).

\[ L \subseteq \Sigma^* \]

4.1 Languages of FA

Definition: languages of FA

Given a FA, its language \(L(\mathbf{FA})\) is all the strings in \(\Sigma^*\) that are accepted by FA.

Definition: expressiveness of NFA and DFA

All languages that can be defined by NFA are defined as: \[ \mathcal{L}_\mathbf{NFA} = \{L\subseteq\Sigma^* : \exists\mathbf{NFA}. L = L(\mathbf{NFA})\} \]

Similarly, all languages that can be defined by DFA are defined as: \[ \mathcal{L}_\mathbf{DFA} = \{L\subseteq\Sigma^* : \exists\mathbf{DFA}. L = L(\mathbf{DFA})\} \]

By definition, we know that \(\mathbf{DFA}\subseteq\mathbf{NFA}\), thus, it is trivial that: \[ \mathcal{L}_\mathbf{DFA} \subseteq \mathcal{L}_\mathbf{NFA} \]

A rather surprising answer is YES.


\[ \mathcal{L}_\mathbf{NFA} \subseteq \mathcal{L}_\mathbf{DFA} \]

4.2 Powerset construction of DFA


Given a NFA defined by \((Q, \Delta, \Sigma, q_0, Q_F)\). Want to construct a DFA \[ \mathbf{DFA} = (\hat{Q}, \delta, \Sigma, \hat{q}_0, \hat{Q}_F) \]


  • \(\hat Q = 2^Q\): each DFA-state is a subset of the NFA-states.

  • \(\hat q_0 = \epsclosure(\{q_0\})\)

  • \(\hat Q_F = \{\hat q\in\hat Q: \hat q\cap Q_F \not=\emptyset\}\)

  • \(\delta:\hat Q\times\Sigma\to\hat Q\) is defined as:

    \(\delta(\hat q, x) = \Delta^*(\hat q, x)\)


Consider the following NFA:

NFA 4 4 2 2 4->2 ε init 1 1 init->1 1->2 a 3 3 1->3 a 2->4 b 3->4 b
  • \(Q = \{1, 2, 3, 4\}\)

  • \(\hat Q = \{1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 14, 23, 24, 34, 123, 124, 134, 234, 1234\}\)

    Note: not all \(\hat Q\) will be reachable in the final DFA.

  • \(\hat q_0 = 1\)

We can construct \(\delta: \hat Q\times\Sigma\) as a table.

\(\hat Q\) \(a\) $b
1 \(\Delta^*(1, a) = 23\) \(\Delta^*(1, b) = \emptyset\) (not reachable)
23 \(\Delta^*(23,a) = \emptyset\) $^*(23, b) = 24
24 (final state) \(\Delta^*(24,a) = \emptyset\) $^*(24, b) = 24

The final DFA transition is shown below:

DFA init 1 1 init->1 24 24 24->24 b 23 23 1->23 a 23->24 b