Syntax Directed Definition with ANTLR
1 Actions
Consider a production:
: A '+' B expr
We would like to register blocks of code to selected symbols so that whenever their respective parse tree node is created, the block of code is executed.
There are two actions assigned to the symbols \(A\) and \(B\) in the production of
.When node \(A\) and \(B\) are created in the parse tree, we want to execute the actions.
Do we execute actions before or after children of
are constructed?
2 Actions as empty symbols
Adding empty symbols in the productions of \(G\) does not affect the language of \(G\).
Let’s add actions to a grammar as empty symbols.
We add empty symbols as place holders for actions.
The action gets executed when its empty symbol is constructed by the top-down parser.
3 Actions in ANTLR
Actions are denoted by blocks of code.
{ print("Hello"); }
They can be embedded in the body of productions.
expr: A { println("A is created."); }
{ println("B is created."); }
B ;
Actions are treated as syntactic variables that can only derive the empty string \(\epsilon\).
Therefore, the grammar:
expr: A { println("A is created."); }
{ println("B is created."); }
B ;
is treated as:
: A action1 '+' B action2
expr ;
action1 ;
action2 ;
trigger code executions.- since they are treated as symbols, grammar transformations still work as normal.
- predictive parsing still works as normal.
4 A complete example in ANTLR
The following grammar counts the number of +
and *
occurrences in the input token stream.
grammar MyGrammar
@members {
int mult = 0;
int plus = 0;
: expr '+' expr { plus += 1; }
expr | expr '*' expr { mult += 1; }
| '(' expr ')'
| Number
Number : ('0' .. '9')+ ;
: (' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n') -> skip; WS
5 Data attributes at nodes
We can extend the nodes of a parse tree so that they can hold data.
each syntactic variable can have its own set of data attributes.
Here is an example where
has a data attribute$value
of type int.Note, we can see that
is computed from the children nodes.
6 Attributes in ANTLR
In ANTLR, this is denoted as follows:
[int value, ...]
expr returns : expr '+' expr
| ...
We want to use actions to compute the $value
of the top-level expr
from the children expr
Q: How we do address the two children nodes?
A: use labels.
[int value, ...]
expr returns : x=expr '+' y=expr
| ...
7 Attributes, labels and action!
[int value]
expr returns : x=expr '+' y=expr { $value = $x.value + $y.value; }
| '(' expr ')' { $value = $expr.value; }
| Number { $value = Integer.parseInt($Number.text); }